// Copyright 2023 Shark in a Hat. All Rights Reserved. var notes = ""; var plot={"menu":{"txt":"{H1('The Book of Nude')}{H2('Menu')}","no_save":1,"choice":[["is_autosave_valid()","Continue...","{save.pop_from_list('bredcrums')}"],["True","New Game","{'0_0'}"],["True","Tutorial","tutorial"],["True","Credits","credits"]],"cmd":["music('blank', False)"]},"0_0":{"txt":"{CENTER('This Game may or may not contain: ')}\n\nLanguage, unfunny humor, obscure reference, the color green, naked people having sex (not always with other people), the word `fuck` (multiple times), a picture of a dick, {COMMON('illegible fonts')}, AI generated images, trace amount of nuts, numbers. \n\n{CENTER('This Game does NOT: ')}\n\nCollect data, telemetry, geo-location, use cookies, share data with third parties. Save data is stored in Local Storage.\n\nBy clicking the button below, You confirm that you are an Adult capable of clicking buttons.","img":"img/chapter1/cop.webp","no_save":1,"choice":[["True","The Button Below","0_c1"],["True","Other Button","0_b"]]},"tutorial":{"next":"tutorial_1","txt":"{H1('The Book of Nude')}{H2('Tutorial')}{P('Welcome to the tutorial, please follow the instructions and no harm will come to anyone.')}\n\nIf You look to the bottom right corner of this page, You will notice the word `next` and a fancy little arrow besides it. \n\nTo continue the tutorial, please click on `next` whenever you're ready. ","no_save":1},"credits":{"next":"credits_1","txt":"{H2('Created by:')}\n{H1('Shark in a Hat')}","img":"img/shark.webp","no_save":1,"cmd":["@later add_support_button(front_content)","music('woodland')"]},"0_1":{"next":"0_2","txt":"{P('There are things in life that come unexpected. Sometimes it`s a visit from an unannounced guest, other times it`s finding a winning lottery ticket that, you forgot you`ve even bought.')} \n\nSometimes it's a runaway truck, going 90 miles per hour on a red light, and sometimes (but usually only once) You find yourself standing in the path of said truck...\n","no_save":0},"0_2":{"next":"0_3","txt":"You always liked to look on the bright side of things, and you could call yourself lucky, or at least as lucky as a person who just got hit by a truck can - you felt no pain. \n\nAt the speed it was going, you didn't as much get run over - you got splattered. Death was instant... sort of... \n ","img":"img/chapter1/truck.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('lck', 1, undo)","music('desolate')"]},"0_3":{"next":"0_4","txt":"{P('Death stared at you from behind a mundane looking desk in a normal looking office cubicle. It`s hard to imagine that a lifeless, skeletal figure in gray robes and glowing blue orbs for eyes could express much emotion, yet Death somehow managed to look annoyed.')} \n\n{DEATH('-Well, this is inconvenient.')} -said Death, in a voice like the slamming of leaden coffin lids. \n{I('-I know, right? He didn`t even slow down.')} - you replied, kind of surprised at the tone of your voice and the fact that you even have a voice, given your current lack of body. \n{DEATH('-It`s a runaway Plot Device, they don`t slow down, they stop for nothing and then it`s up to us to straighten things out.')}","img":"img/chapter1/death.webp","no_save":0},"{save.pop_from_list('bredcrums')}":{"txt":"Error.","no_save":1},"tutorial_1":{"next":"tutorial_2","txt":"Congratulations! You've just learned how to flip pages forward! Simple enough, right? \n\nLet's try that again, but this time - You will get no hints. \n\nHint: Ignore the 'back' button on the left page, in fact ignore the left page all together, don't even look there!\n ","no_save":1},"tutorial_2":{"next":"tutorial_3","txt":"{H2('Images')}\nVery good! You made it this far, so it's time for a little reward - an image.\n\nIt is finally safe for you to look at the left page, and if you look closely, you may be able to see an image there.\n\nYou can hover your mouse cursor over the image to see more of it and even click on it to view it in full size. Go ahead, try it.\n\nHint: If you can't see the image - seek medical attention. ","img":"img/tutorial/tutorial_1.webp","no_save":1},"tutorial_3":{"next":"tutorial_4","txt":"{P('There are a few more things You should know about the Left Page. It`s not only there for the pretty images, it also has the `back` button.')} \n\nThat 'back' button is very similar to the 'next' button, but do not let your guard down - the 'back' button is vicious, confusing and dangerous!\n\nClicking on the 'back' button will move you back one page. If you feel brave enough, you may try it out.\n\n","no_save":1},"tutorial_4":{"txt":"Now that we have the basics covered, let's talk about the advanced stuff, like:{H2('Buttons')}\nYou may be familiar with buttons as You've seen them on the menu page, but just to be sure we're on the same page (pun intended) - here's a button for you to click:\n\n","no_save":1,"choice":[["True","Click this button","tutorial_5"]]},"tutorial_5":{"txt":"{P('uttons are used to make in-game choices, but there are times when some of the choices are unavailable. Let`s try an example.')}\n\nRemember the girl from the image earlier? Here she is again, but I think we can all agree that she has too many clothes on. What should she take off? \n\n","img":"img/tutorial/tutorial_1.webp","no_save":1,"choice":[["True","Blouse","tutorial_bra"],["True","Blouse and bra","tutorial_topless"],["False","Everything","tutorial_nude"]]},"tutorial_bra":{"next":"tutorial_6","txt":"...and there you have it.\n\nIf You don't like the choice You've made, You can always use the 'back' button to flip the page and pick a different option. \n\nSometimes options are unavailable because of earlier choices, but usually it's because you don't have the right Points... ","img":"img/tutorial/tutorial_2.webp","no_save":1},"tutorial_topless":{"next":"tutorial_6","txt":"...and there you have it.\n\nIf You don't like the choice You've made, You can always use the 'back' button to flip the page and pick a different option. \n\nSometimes options are unavailable because of earlier choices, but usually it's because you don't have the right Points... ","img":"img/tutorial/tutorial_3.webp","no_save":1},"tutorial_nude":{"next":"tutorial_6","txt":"How did You get here?! Well, anyways...\n\nIf You don't like the choice You've made, You can always use the 'back' button to flip the page and pick a different option. \n\nSometimes options are unavailable because of earlier choices, but usually it's because you don't have the right Points...","img":"img/tutorial/tutorial_4.webp","no_save":1},"tutorial_6":{"next":"tutorial_7","txt":"{H2('Points')}\nStats, Statistics, Attributes, Skills, Points... call them what you want - these are the numbers that determine what You (the Player Character) can do. \n\nPoints are one-time consumables, that means You can earn them, and you can use them, but using a Point will remove it.\n\nThere are 5 kinds of points:\n{XP} Experience \n{PHY} Physical\n{MAG} Magic\n{DIV} Divine\n{LCK} Luck","no_save":1},"tutorial_7":{"next":"tutorial_8","txt":"{H2('Experience')} \nYou gain {XP} by performing heroic acts, vanquishing your enemies or changing the fates of people, nations and realms.\n\nYou need {XP} to improve yourself, learn new skills, languages and spells. \n\nHint: {XP} are the most important type of points! \n","no_save":1},"tutorial_8":{"next":"tutorial_9","txt":"{H2('Physical')} \n{PHY} is your strength, agility and stamina. You gain {PHY} after a meal and/or a good night's rest.\n\nYou need {PHY} to perform any type of physical feats like climbing up a tree or running away from bandits. \n\nHint: {PHY} are the most relevant type of points!","no_save":1},"tutorial_9":{"next":"tutorial_10","txt":"{H2('Magic')} \nYou need {MAG} to cast spells. Casting any spell consumes (1) {MAG}. \n\nIt's up to You to discover all the fun ways one can gain {MAG}.\n\nHint: {MAG} are the most significant type of points!","no_save":1},"tutorial_10":{"next":"tutorial_11","txt":"{H2('Divine')} \n{DIV} represents Divine Favor and you can use {DIV} to perform miracles. \n\nGods only know how to gain {DIV}, so good luck with that...\n\nHint: {DIV} are the most powerful type of points!","no_save":1},"tutorial_11":{"next":"tutorial_12","txt":"{H2('Luck')} \n{LCK} represents both good and bad luck. \n\nYou will gain {LCK} if Something Bad happens to your character. \n\nYou can use {LCK} to get favorable outcomes in most situations. \n\nHint: {LCK} are the most useful type of points!","no_save":1},"tutorial_12":{"next":"tutorial_13","txt":"{P('The points You gain are always displayed on the left page. If you look there now, you should have an idea of what to expect once you actually gain some.')}\n\nThe game won't ever tell what action or choice will give you points, so be sure to check the left page from time to time.\n\n","no_save":1,"cmd":["render_stats(back_content, 5,2,1,0,2)"]},"tutorial_13":{"txt":"On the other hand - the game will never silently take away your points. Points are only used when you click on a choice button. \n\nClicking a button with one of these symbols {XP}{PHY}{MAG}{DIV}{LCK} will consume the appropriate point. \n\nGo ahead, try it out on one of the buttons below (and don't worry about the points, these are all Fake Tutorial Points):\n","no_save":1,"choice":[["True","{XP}Learn from it","tutorial_xp"],["True","{PHY}Brute force it","tutorial_phy"],["True","{MAG}Cast a spell","tutorial_mag"],["False","{DIV}Pray","tutorial_div"],["True","{LCK}Cross your fingers","tutorial_lck"]],"cmd":["render_stats(back_content, 5,2,1,0,2)"]},"tutorial_14":{"next":"tutorial_15","txt":"{H2('Saving and Loading')}\nThe game uses an auto-save system, so usually You don't need to do anything to save your progress. \n\nWhenever You restart the game, just click on the 'continue' button and you'll be brought back to exactly the same place where you left... unless you're in the Tutorial, during the tutorial saving is disabled. \n\n","no_save":1},"tutorial_xp":{"next":"tutorial_14","txt":"You did it! Good job, you're making progress.\n\n...and talking about progress - let's talk about saving. \n\n\n","no_save":1,"cmd":["render_stats(back_content, 4,2,1,0,2)"]},"tutorial_phy":{"next":"tutorial_14","txt":"You did it! Good job, you're making progress.\n\n...and talking about progress - let's talk about saving. \n\n\n","no_save":1,"cmd":["render_stats(back_content, 5,1,1,0,2)"]},"tutorial_mag":{"next":"tutorial_14","txt":"You did it! Good job, you're making progress.\n\n...and talking about progress - let's talk about saving. \n\n\n","no_save":1,"cmd":["render_stats(back_content, 5,2,0,0,2)"]},"tutorial_div":{"next":"tutorial_14","txt":"Wait, what? How? Heh - you're a cheater, but you're making progress.\n\n...and talking about progress - let's talk about saving. \n\n\n","no_save":1,"cmd":["render_stats(back_content, 4,2,1,1,2)"]},"tutorial_lck":{"next":"tutorial_14","txt":"You did it! Good job, you're making progress.\n\n...and talking about progress - let's talk about saving. \n\n\n","no_save":1,"cmd":["render_stats(back_content, 4,2,1,0,1)"]},"tutorial_15":{"next":"tutorial_16","txt":"{P('Auto-save isn`t the only option - you can also save the game into a handful of slots, as well as export to a file or import from a file.')}\n\nIf You are playing this game offline on Chrome or a Chrome based browser and you also play other HTML games this way, it is recommended to use files, as the browser has a very limited amount of shared space for all the games. ","no_save":1},"tutorial_16":{"next":"tutorial_17","txt":"If you look to the right of this page, you will see a red bookmark with a quill symbol on it - click on it to see the save/load menu.\n\nThe bottom bookmark (with the gears symbol) will bring you to the options menu, where you can change the volume, enable fullscreen mode or change how the game scales to fit the window size.\n\nThe center bookmark is the gallery, all images you've seen will be available there - at least for Supporters. \n\n \n\n","no_save":1},"tutorial_17":{"next":"tutorial_18","txt":"{H2('Languages')} \n\nOccasionally, some text will be displayed using strange fonts, this usually signifies lines spoken in foreign languages or with an unusual accent. This may look like this:\n\n{COMMON('This is a line of text displayed as if spoken in a different language, in this case `common`.')} \n\nIf during gameplay, your character learns the particular language, you can hover your cursor over the text (or tap it on a touch screens) to see it in a normal font. Try it:\n\n{COMMON('This is a line of text displayed as if spoken in a different language like before, but this time you can understand it.', True)} ","no_save":1},"{'menu'}":{},"0_4":{"next":"0_5","txt":"{I('-Us? You mean there`s more of you?')}\n{DEATH('-No. Figure of speech.')} -Death replied - {DEATH('There is only Me. Always has been, always will be. I am Death, I am The Grim Reaper.')}\n{I('-Oh? So, um... why is your office so crappy looking?')}\n{DEATH('-Office? Is this an office?')} -Death gestured at the surroundings - {DEATH('Interesting. Most people see this place as either Heaven or Hell.')}\n{I('-Ah, that makes sense. This definitely looks like Hell to me. There`s even the same poster on the wall, like the one back at my office.')}\n{DEATH('-Right.')}","no_save":0},"0_5":{"next":"0_6","txt":"{I('-So, Mister Ripper...')}\n{DEATH('-The. My pronounce are The/The. Not Sir, not Madam, I am The Grim Reaper.')} \n{I('-Sorry, but what about me? Do I get an afterlife or something?')}\n{DEATH('-No. I`m afraid you`ll have to reincarnate. Isekai rules, you see.')}\n{I('-But I don`t even believe in reincarnation!')}\n{DEATH('-If you want to drag religion into this, says here you`re a Pastafarian...')}","no_save":0},"credits_1":{"next":"credits_2","txt":"{H1('Music by')}\n{H2('Matthew Pablo')}\n{CENTER('CC-BY 3.0')}","no_save":1},"credits_2":{"next":"credits_3","txt":"{H2('Supported by:')}\n{CENTER('Matt * CodE * hinaberg')}\n{CENTER('jehefuco * KryperCreeping * cuckold_yyc')}\n{CENTER('GABRIEL ALFORD * Reld * MrSuicide')}\n{CENTER('aurd * Mathieu Gouillart * BettyPage')}\n{CENTER('Maximus * Theo_Malt * Alex')}\n{CENTER('Foxy`sFan * Dov D Bush * Overseer')}\n{CENTER('Franatique * mahena * An Anonymous Benefactor')}","no_save":1},"0_6":{"next":"0_7","txt":"{I('-That? That was just a joke, you know?')}\n{DEATH('-You find religion funny? Do you think the Gods find it thus?')}\n{I('-I suppose not.')}\n{DEATH('-Let me give you a free tip: Do not make fun of deities, especially ones that have meatballs in their portfolio, else you might find yourself spending the rest of eternity on someone else`s plate.')}\n{I('-If you put it like that... I think I`ll take reincarnation after all. Any more free tips?')}","no_save":0},"0_7":{"next":"0_8","txt":"{DEATH('-Magic. If you find yourself in a world with Magic, get as much of it as soon as you can. Magic is always OP.')}\n{I('-Magic? Okay, got it. Anything else?')}\n{DEATH('-Mind the Gap')}\n{I('-What gaaaa..!')}\n","no_save":0},"0_8":{"next":"0_9","txt":"{P('The office around You blurs into colorful streaks of nothingness as You plummet down back into the material world. Or at least A Material World. Probably not the one You started in.')}\n\nYou can tell right away that something feels off, even if you can't put your finger on it, but maybe it's just because You have fingers again and those fingers are nothing like your old ones. They're better. \n\nWhoever put the upgrades into your fingers, didn't stop there...\n\n ","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('soliloquy')"]},"0_9":{"next":"0_10","txt":"Your new body is young and vigorous, and definitely feminine. You have long, shapely legs, a narrow waist and a curvaceous butt. Your breasts are large but firm and would probably make any Hollywood plastic surgeon explode with envy. \n\nYour hair is long and blond and while you can't see your own face, you're almost sure that your lips are luscious and your eyes are blue. \n ","img":"img/chapter1/respawn.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('phy', 1, undo)"]},"0_10":{"next":"0_11","txt":"The streaks of light around you start to coalesce into a semblance of shapes as your trip through the multiverse comes to an end. \n\nAs you recognize the shape beneath your feet as a planet, you realize that despite having a body, you're not yet in control of it - else you'd be screaming in panic, because you're hundreds of miles above the surface of the alien world and flying towards it though the vacuum of space at near light speed. ","img":"img/chapter1/space1.webp","no_save":0},"0_11":{"next":"0_12","txt":"You try to make out the shapes of continents as you fall, but it all happens too fast and all you can see are blue blobs, green blobs and brown blobs.\n\nYou hope you won't become a red blob upon impact. \n\nFortunately, you stop abruptly about a foot above the surface of the planet and float there for the briefest of moment before gravity pulls you down. ","img":"img/chapter1/space2.webp","no_save":0},"0_12":{"next":"{'1_1'}","txt":"You gain control over your new body just as you hit the ground. You can feel your foot catch on something and twist backwards as the rest of your body falls forward. \n\nThere's a sickening crunch and white-hot flaming pain erupts up your leg as you announce your arrival in this word with a loud scream. \n{I('-Fuuuuuck!')} ","img":"img/chapter1/landing.webp","no_save":0},"{'1_1'}":{},"1_1":{"next":"1_2","txt":"{H1('Chapter one')}\n{H2('Stranger in a Strange World')}","no_save":0},"1_2":{"next":"1_3","txt":"{P('The agonizing pain ends quickly, leaving behind his lesser cousin - regular pain. After swearing a handful of times, you finally look down to see your foot twisted ninety degrees from where it should be. There`s no way you`ll be able to walk.')}\n\nYou try to look around, hoping that maybe by chance you've landed right next to a hospital, but you find it difficult to see anything from behind the blue neon letters floating in front of your eyes.","no_save":0},"1_3":{"next":"1_4","txt":"{SCIFI('Fall Damage: -5 HP.\nCurrent HP: 5/10')}\n{SCIFI('Warning: Unassigned points (32). Assign points to continue.')}\n{I('Wha..? What is this?')}\nYou wave your hand in front of your face trying to dismiss the annoying pop-up, but the letters disappear, only to be replaced by more glowing panels. \n\nFor a moment, you stare at it in confusion, not really believing or understanding what you see, but then in dawns on you - this is your Character Screen. ","img":"img/chapter1/character_screen.webp","no_save":0},"1_4":{"next":"1_5","txt":"You sigh and wave your hand in front of your face again, dismissing all of the magical user interface. You'll deal with it later - first you need to find a doctor, or at least someone competent in administering first aid. \n\nOnce your view is clear, you look around and take in your surroundings. \n\nYou've landed in a small meadow. All you can see around you are trees and mountains. The only sign of civilization is a narrow path leading somewhere up the mountain on the other side of a valley. \n","img":"img/chapter1/meadow.webp","no_save":0},"1_5":{"next":"1_6","txt":"{I('Well, I guess I can`t expect any help... at least there`s nobody around to see me naked like this.')}\n\nOn instinct, you call back the Character Screen and start looking for anything labeled as Magic - after all, you got 32 points, and you intend to spend it all on healing magic - if you can find it. ","img":"img/chapter1/character_screen.webp","no_save":0},"1_6":{"next":"1_7","txt":"The character screen is full of stuff you don't care about right now - attributes, weapon proficiency, martial arts, crafting, languages, perks and traits. \n\nWhen you find the box labeled Magic, you can see that it's divided into multiple sections: Fire, Ice, Storm, Earth, Water, Light, Darkness and Healing. \n\nYou ignore the rest, put 5 points into Healing and stop to think. ","no_save":0},"1_7":{"next":"1_8","txt":"{I('Is 5 a lot or a little?')}\nYou look at the other stats, but all of them just have 0 next to the names. What's the maximum 5? 10? or maybe 100? \n\nThinking that healing yourself is the most important thing right now, you decide to put a few more points into healing. \n\nYou go up to 11 and seeing it doesn't stop there, you assume it's on a 0-100 scale, and you put all of your remaining points into Healing.","no_save":0},"1_8":{"next":"1_9","txt":"When you put in the last point, a new pop-up appears in front of your eyes:\n{SCIFI('Character finalized. \nNew traits unlocked.')}\nYou look over to the Traits panel to see two entries there:\n{SCIFI('Reborn Soul (trait): \nAs a Reborn Soul you start in an adult body.\nSpecial: \nAttribute limits do not apply.\nRequirements: \nDie in a different World.')}\n\n{I('Okay? I guess I don`t have to go through puberty again. That`s a plus.')}\n\n","no_save":0},"1_9":{"next":"1_10","txt":"{SCIFI('Uncivilized (trait): \nCannot make, use or equip neither weapons, armor, clothing advanced tools nor coins. \nSpecial: \nMost people accept your nudity because you are Uncivilized.\nRequirements: \nNo Literacy skills, no Craft skills, no Scholar skills, worship pagan gods.')} \n{I('Oops, maybe I`ll put just one point into a Craft skill or something?')}\nYou try to change the 32 next to Healing Magic to 31, but no matter how hard you concentrate on it - nothing happens. ","no_save":0},"1_10":{"next":"1_11","txt":"{I('Bummer. Oh well, I`ll fix it next time I get a level up or something.')}\nYou look over the numbers in the character screen, but all you see are zeros all over the place. The only other panels that have anything at all in them are Religion and Language.\n\n{SCIFI('Religion: \nFlying Spaghetti Monster (pagan)\nSpecial:\nCooking (pasta only) +3')}\n{SCIFI('Language: \nEnglish: 3 (native)')}","img":"img/chapter1/character_screen_2.webp","no_save":0},"1_11":{"txt":"When you wave your hand in front of your face to dismiss the character screen again, you feel as if something has changed. \n\nThere's now a pool of energy somewhere deep inside of you and an intuitive sense of how to use it. All you need in order to heal your leg is a touch and an intention to heal.\n","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","{MAG} Cast: Heal Self","1_12"]],"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"1_12":{"next":"1_13","txt":"You feel a brief burning sensation as the pool of energy you just discovered suddenly becomes empty again, but the feeling of vague loss is nothing compared to the euphoric relief when the pain in your leg vanishes.\n\n{SCIFI('Heal Self cast successfully. 5HP healed.')} \n{SCIFI('Warning: Overflow error.\nYou gained 4294967291 Temporary HP for 4294967296 seconds.\nCurrent HP: 4.29kk/10')}\n","img":"img/chapter1/heal.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', -1, undo)","change_stats('hp', 4294967291, undo)"]},"1_13":{"txt":"You ignore the nonsensical pop-up and dismiss it with a gesture. Who cares about 4 million something or other? You're healed and you can do REAL magic! Or at least you could if you had more magical energy at your disposal. \n\n{I('Where do you get magical energy from anyways?')}\n\nYou look around the meadow again and decide that you're probably not going to find any answers hiding in the grass here. It's time to explore...","img":"img/chapter1/rest.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","...your body","1_14_fun"],["True","...your surroundings ","1_14_look"]]},"1_14_fun":{"next":"1_14_fun_1","txt":"You figure you'd best check if your body is really fully healed and functional before venturing out. \n\nYou move your hands up your leg, checking your ankle, calf and finally sliding your fingers up your thighs. Everything seems to be in order, all you can feel under your fingertips is smooth, warm skin, yet something makes you feel uneasy. Your breath quickens, your heart starts to beat faster and when you finally touch your pussy, you can clearly feel moisture underneath your fingers. \n\nThere clearly must be something wrong with your body - you've never got so excited before by a mere touch... but then again, the pleasure you get from it is nothing to complain about.","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('curious')"]},"1_14_look":{"next":"1_14_look_1","txt":"There's a path somewhere on the other side of the valley, and you're almost sure you'll find a city or a village at either ends of the path. With a bit of luck, you should be able to find someone if you follow the path - hopefully before thirst and hunger becomes an issue. \n\nYou stand up and decide you'd best find a spot somewhere higher up, where you can have a better look at the surrounding landscape, and the nearby rocky outcrop seems like a good candidate. \n","img":"img/chapter1/stand.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('birds')"]},"1_14_fun_1":{"next":"1_14_fun_2","txt":"Feeling naughty, you bite down on your lip as you slip a finger into your wet pussy. The sensation is almost magical, not unlike the spell you've cast, but more like a painless jolt of electricity going through your body. \n\nYou sense a connection between your sexual pleasure and the hidden well of magical energy inside of you, but you also feel that sticking a finger into your pussy is not enough...\n\n...so you push another finger into your pussy.\n","img":"img/chapter1/finger.webp","no_save":0},"1_14_fun_2":{"next":"1_14_fun_3","txt":"You sigh with annoyance as you start moving your fingers, vigorously rubbing your pussy and clit. As pleasurable as it may be, you know instantly this won't be enough to replenish your magical reservoir, but it might be just enough to give you an orgasm. \n\nNot really able to control yourself at this point, you slide your free hand up your body, stopping at your breasts, giving them a squeeze and lightly pinching your nipple. \n\nYou can feel the waves of pleasure rising as you continue to masturbate, and when you finally reach your peak, you let out a loud, satisfied moan. ","no_save":0},"1_14_fun_3":{"next":"1_14_look","txt":"You spend the next few moments lying on your back in the grass and trying to catch your breath. \n\nWhile this little 'exercise' didn't really solve any of your problems - you're still naked, alone, lost and without food, water or shelter - you'd have a hard time calling the time you've spent pleasuring yourself 'wasted time'. ","no_save":0},"1_14_look_1":{"next":"1_14_look_2","txt":"Climbing up the rocks isn't as easy as it looked - maybe it has something to do with the fact that you have zero skill points in Climbing, but more likely it's because you are naked and barefoot. \n\nAt first, you're worried that you may injure yourself on the rocks, but after accidentally stepping on a pointed stone, you discover that the rock aren't sharp enough to cut your skin. \n\nAfter 15 or 20 minutes, you find yourself on top of the rock formation, with not even one scratch.","img":"img/chapter1/lookout.webp","no_save":0},"1_14_look_2":{"next":"1_14_look_3","txt":"When you're high enough that you can finally observe what's beyond the treeline, you have no problems seeing that the road you've seen earlier, leads to a rather impressive, medieval looking city, build atop one of the nearby hills. \n\nUnfortunately, that road sneaks around the mountain you are currently on and there's no clear path that you could take to get there without risking falling down a canyon, chasm or becoming a part of a rocky avalanche. \n\nYou'll have to go around and that might take days. ","img":"img/chapter1/city.webp","no_save":0},"1_14_look_3":{"next":"1_14_look_4","txt":"You turn around to look the other way, and you spot the same road continuing somewhere off into the distance - if there's any town or village that way, it's too far away to see. \n\nAt the foot of the mountain, you can see a natural depression, with a small lake at the bottom and a waterfall at the far side.\n\nYou also spot a few tree stumps on the right, but you can't tell from this far away if the trees have been cut down by man or have just fallen over due to natural reasons like storms, winds or possibly dragons. ","img":"img/chapter1/landscape.webp","no_save":0},"1_14_look_4":{"txt":"Getting down to the road, on this side of the mountain, should be a bit easier. It will still take hours, but if you get tired on the way down, you could always stop to refresh yourself at the lake or waterfall. \n\nMaybe you could also check out the (presumably) cut down forest? \n\nYou think about your options for a moment, and decide to go towards the road near the... ","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","...waterfall","1_15_water"],["True","...cut forest","1_15_forest"]]},"1_15_water":{"next":"1_15_water_1","txt":"You head out in the direction of the waterfall, admiring the fantastical view as you go along the edge of the cliff. \n\nYou can't quite put your finger on it, but something about this place feels wrong, or at least unnatural. It's almost as if the land wasn't sculpted over eons by wind, water and rain but got cracked and shattered by some cataclysmic event. \n\n ","img":"img/chapter1/landscape3.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["add_flag('1_waterfall', undo)"]},"1_15_forest":{"next":"1_forest_1","txt":"You head out in the direction of the forest. There's no path to follow, but the forest isn't very dense, and it's not very difficult to go downhill. \n\nAt first, you go slowly and carefully, worried about stepping on something and hurting your bare feet, but after accidentally stepping on a pine cone, you discover it doesn't actually hurt at all. In fact, it feels kind of squishy underfoot. \n\n\n ","img":"img/chapter1/landscape2.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["add_flag('1_forest', undo)","music('birds')"]},"credits_3":{"next":"{'menu'}","txt":"{H2('Supported by:')}\n{CENTER('Joe Steel * David Kindler * bsnick')}\n{CENTER('BranVan * Jayjay Fan * lea')}\n{CENTER('helena ho * coni * evilbiscuit')}\n{CENTER('Iroquois Pliskin * Ab * Drunkmilkman')}\n{CENTER('bouncy4u * and others...')}\n","no_save":1},"1_forest_1":{"next":"1_forest_2","txt":"You pick up the pine cone and find it surprisingly rigid and sharp in your hand, almost as if it was made out of wood... \n\n{I('What do they make these things out of? In fact - who makes these things? Squirrels? Do squirrels make these... um... Things, or do they just eat them?')}\n\nYou stare dumbfounded at the pine cone in your hands for a couple of minutes. You know, deep down, that these are stupid questions that should have simple solutions, yet no matter how hard you try, you can't think of any answers. ","img":"img/chapter1/pinecone.webp","no_save":0},"1_forest_2":{"next":"1_forest_3","txt":"Your head starts to ache the more you try to understand what's wrong with your brain, and you decide that maybe you should just stop trying to think - you're no good at it anyway. And then it all clicks into place. \n\n{I('Oh. There`s nothing wrong with me - I`m just stupid! I didn`t put any points into the thinking and smart people skills.')} \n\nThe realization is kind of liberating, and you laugh out loud as you start walking down the hill again. This time at a brisk pace, and deliberately stepping on the apparently harmless pine cones and pointy rocks. \n\n ","no_save":0},"1_forest_3":{"next":"1_forest_4","txt":"About half an hour later, you're startled by the creaking sound of breaking branches, followed by a loud thump of a falling tree. \n\nNot sure, who or what you'll find at the source of the sound, nor how they'll react to a naked girl alone in the forest, you duck behind a tree and sneak the rest of the way - just to be on the safe side. ","img":"img/chapter1/sneak.webp","no_save":0},"1_forest_4":{"next":"1_forest_5","txt":"As you get closer, you start hearing more noises - regular thumps, that you guess to be the sound of an axe hitting a tree trunk, and not long after you spot the source of it all. \n\nYou feel a jolt of excitement, seeing the first man on this alien planet, and he's quite the specimen. He's in his later twenties or maybe early thirties, it's hard to tell with his muscular physique. \n\nForgetting that you were trying to stay hidden, you peek out from behind a tree and take a careless step forward to get a better look... \n\n ","img":"img/chapter1/lumberjack.webp","no_save":0},"1_forest_5":{"next":"1_forest_6","txt":"The now familiar sound of a pine cone crunching underfoot, reminds you that you probably should have paid more attention to your surroundings. \n\nThe man turns in your direction, hefting the axe in his hand in a defensive posture, but as soon as he sees you, he drops his weapon and puts up his hands in a gesture of either offering peace or surrendering. \n\nFor an awkward moment you stare at each other, his eyes roaming up and down your naked body while you admire the muscles on his torso. \n\n \n\n","img":"img/chapter1/cone.webp","no_save":0},"1_forest_6":{"next":"1_forest_7","txt":"{I('-Um... Hi? I didn`t mean to startle you or anything. I`m just kind of looking for... well anyone that could help.')} \n\n{COMMON('-What? I don`t speak... whatever language that was. You`re not a dryad, right? Not gonna turn me into a shrubbery for chopping down one of your trees, huh?')} \n\nYou sigh deeply hearing his voice. You couldn't understand a word of what he just said, and something tells you, he also didn't understand anything you said. At least he doesn't sound hostile, so you give him a friendly smile. ","no_save":0},"1_forest_7":{"next":"1_forest_8","txt":"{I('-Heh, this might be a problem. Will you')} - you point at him - {I('help me?')} -you point at yourself. \n\nHe looks a bit confused at first, but then repeats the gesture, pointing from you to him and nodding his head with enthusiasm. \n\n{COMMON('-You and me? You want to... get it on? Guess you`re not a dryad but a nymph, huh?')}\n\nOnce again, you didn't understand any of his words, but at least you made first contact. ","no_save":0},"1_forest_8":{"next":"1_forest_9","txt":"{I('- Do you have anything to drink?')} - you point to your mouth and make a gesture as if drinking from a bottle - {I('and maybe something to eat as well?')} - you rub your belly with one hand and lick your lips with the tip of your tongue. \n\nHe shrugs, then nods and a big, smug smile forms on his lips.\n\n{COMMON('-Yeah, I get it. You want to suck my cock and drink my cum. That`s a bit weird, but hey, I`m not gonna say no to that.')} \n\nYou smile back at him, thinking you've communicated successfully... and then he drops his pants. ","img":"img/chapter1/forest_smile.webp","no_save":0},"1_forest_9":{"txt":"Your eyes go wide seeing his erect cock, and you open your mouth as if to say something, but no words come to mind.\n\nSeeing your reaction, the lumberjack laughs and comes closer to you. \n\n{COMMON('-What is it girl? Too big for you? That`s what you wanted, so how about we stop wasting time, huh? I got trees to fell, y`know?')}\n\nHe puts a hand on your shoulder, and the weight of his arm is enough to push you down to your knees. \n\n","img":"img/chapter1/lumberjack_cock.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["save.phy ","{PHY} Escape!","1_forest_run"],["True","Suck his cock","1_forest_fun"]]},"1_forest_run":{"next":"1_forest_run_1","txt":"You slap his hand aside, twist to the side and stand back up, turning on your heel all in one smooth motion. \n\nYou start running as fast as you can, ignoring the crunch of twigs and pine cones beneath your bare feet and the incoherent yells of the lumberjack behind your back.\n\n{COMMON('-Hey? Why are you running? You gonna leave me like this? Oh, c`mon! Fucking tease!')} ","img":"img/chapter1/run.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["add_flag('1_lumberjack_mad', undo)","change_stats('phy', -1, undo)"]},"1_forest_fun":{"next":"1_forest_fun_1","txt":"You hesitate for but a moment, before leaning in and kissing the tip of his cock. \n\nYou tell yourself that you probably wouldn't be able to outrun him anyway. He also might very well be the only human around for miles, so a quick blowjob is hardly a steep price to pay for keeping him friendly. \n\nAs you open your mouth wider and lick his penis from the bottom, you tell yourself that it's out of necessity and not because you actually enjoy sucking on his dick. ","img":"img/chapter1/forest_bj.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('curious')"]},"1_forest_fun_1":{"next":"1_forest_fun_2","txt":"When he moves his hips, pushing his cock further into your mouth and a soft, lewd sound escapes your lips, you tell yourself that... you should probably stop lying to yourself and accept that you actually enjoy sucking on this random stranger's cock.\n\nYou tighten your lips around his shaft and start moving your head back and forth, letting his cock slide in and out of your mouth. \n\nIt feels wonderful, though you can't exactly explain why. ","no_save":0},"1_forest_fun_2":{"txt":"He puts a hand on your head and thrusts his hips in rhythm with your movement. You thought it might be difficult, given the size of his member, to take him in all the way, but you're pleasantly surprised to discover that you didn't have any difficulties in doing so.\n\nEven when the tip of his cock touches the back of your throat, you neither choke nor gag, and you start humming in satisfaction, proud of this newfound skill of yours. ","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Make him cum","1_ff_cum"],["save.phy","{PHY} Have sex ","1_ff_sex"],["save.phy","{PHY} Have anal sex ","1_ff_anal"]]},"1_ff_cum":{"next":"1_ff_cum_1","txt":"You glance up at the lumberjacks face, hearing him inhale sharply. His brow is furrowed, his lips are tight, beads of sweat drip down his forehead - just one look is enough for you to tell that he's concentrating hard, trying desperately to last just a little bit longer. \n\nYou'll be having none of that. You want to tase his cum! \n\nFeeling kind of competitive, you wrap your fingers around his shaft with one hand and start gently massaging his balls with your other hand. You move your head faster, concentrating most of your efforts on the tip of his cock. ","no_save":0},"1_ff_sex":{"next":"1_ff_sex_1","txt":"You lean back, letting his cock slide out of your mouth and push him with all your strength, trying to make him fall on his ass, so you could straddle him... you might as well by pushing against a brick wall - he doesn't even budge. \n\nThe lumberjack gives you a confused and mildly annoyed look.\n\n{COMMON('-Hey! What`s wrong? I`m not finished yet!')} \n\n{I('-I want some fun too! I want you to fuck my pussy!')} - you point to his dick and back to your pussy - {I('C`mon, don`t force me to draw you a picture, cause I ain`t got no crayons.')} ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('phy', -1, undo)"]},"1_ff_anal":{"next":"1_ff_anal_1","txt":"You lean back, letting his cock slide out of your mouth and push him with all your strength, trying to make him fall on his ass, so you could straddle him... you might as well by pushing against a brick wall - he doesn't even budge. \n\nThe lumberjack gives you a confused and mildly annoyed look.\n\n{COMMON('-Hey! What`s wrong? I`m not finished yet!')} \n\n{I('-I want some fun too! I want you to fuck me!')} - you point to his dick and back at yourself - {I('C`mon, don`t force me to draw you a picture, cause I ain`t got no crayons.')} ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('phy', -1, undo)"]},"1_ff_sex_1":{"next":"1_ff_sex_2","txt":"He follows the movement of your finger and his face brightens up, when he sees that you're pointing to your wet pussy. \n\n{COMMON('-Oh? Now you want to fuck as well? Horny, little nymph! Yeah, I`ll fuck your pussy, I`ll fuck it good.')} \n\nHe lays down on the forest floor with a grunt and pulls you in closer. You almost jump on top of him, swiftly guiding his cock into your moist slit. \n\nYou moan out loud as his cock fills your pussy, just sucking on his shaft felt good - this is bliss. \n","img":"img/chapter1/forest_fuck.webp","no_save":0},"1_ff_sex_2":{"next":"1_ff_sex_3","txt":"The lumberjack lets out a surprised laugh as you start bouncing up and down, riding him like a carnival ride, letting his cock slide deep inside of you with every bounce and moaning loudly with every breath you take. \n\n{COMMON('-AH! Slow down girl! I think there`s a pine cone under my back! And also - I`m gonna cum!')} \n\nYou ignore his mumbled complaints and speed up even more, closing your eyes as you reach your peak.\n","no_save":0},"1_ff_sex_3":{"next":"1_ff_end","txt":"You reach your second orgasm moments later, when the lumberjack finishes inside of you. You can feel his cock pulsating and twitching, pumping jets of hot seed into your pussy, and just as you thought it was all over - a third sensation rocks your body. \n\nYou gasp for air as your inner well, the reservoir of magical energy, fills up. \n\n{I('-Fuck. That felt good. ')}\n{COMMON('-I`ve still no idea what you`re saying, but fuck, that felt good. ')} \n\n ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"1_ff_end":{"next":"1_ff_end_1","txt":"Both of you sit on the forest floor for a while, breathing heavily and basking in the afterglow of sex in comfortable silence. \n\nNot at all surprising, the lumberjack is the first one to recover. Maybe it's because you did most of the work, but possibly because you're build like a Barbie doll, and he looks more like a He-Man action figure. \n\nHe stands up, dusts himself off, pulls up his pants and after looking around for it for a minute, picks up his fallen axe. ","no_save":0},"1_ff_end_1":{"next":"1_ff_end_2","txt":"{COMMON('-Well, it`s been fun and all, but I got work to do. You know how it is, right? ')}\n\nHe waves you goodbye and starts walking away.\n\n{I('-Wait. You`re just gonna go back to chopping wood? What about me? What am I supposed to do?')}\n\nHe stops and looks back at you shaking his head.\n\n{COMMON('-Didn`t understand any of that. If you want to go again... heh, not today sweetie. I`m all pumped out, but we can do it again tomorrow.')}","no_save":0},"1_ff_end_2":{"txt":"You stand up and cross your arms, watching him walk away and feeling mildly annoyed, a bit confused, but not actually angry. \n\nYou just had sex with a total stranger for apparently no good reason, but that doesn't bother you. Not only that, you don't feel embarrassed or regretful, but you're actually happy with what happened. \n\n{I('He didn`t even tell me his name... or did he? Fuck, I really need to learn the local language, and also figure out what to do next...')} ","img":"img/chapter1/arms_crossed.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["not has_flag('1_waterfall')","Go to the waterfall","1_15_water"],["True","Go to the road","1_orcs"]],"cmd":["add_flag('1_lumberjack_sex', undo)"]},"1_orcs":{"next":"1_orcs_1","txt":"You walk towards the dirt road you've seen from atop the hill, feeling more and more anxious as the sun creeps its way closer and closer to the horizon. \n\nWhile you're not feeling tired yet, your stomach is making it clear that hunger might be a problem soon. {'Tentacle cum might be tasty, but it is no substitute for a hot meal.' if has_flag('1_waterfall') else ''}\n\nYou reach your destiny just before sunset, only to find that you're not the only traveler on the road... ","img":"img/chapter1/forest_edge.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["music('desolate')"]},"1_ff_anal_1":{"next":"1_ff_anal_2","txt":"He follows the movement of your finger and his face brightens up, when he suddenly understands what you're asking for. \n\n{COMMON('-Oh? Now you want to fuck as well? Horny, little nymph! Yeah, I`ll fuck your pussy, I`ll fuck it good.')} \n\nHe lays down on the forest floor with a grunt and pulls you in closer. You almost jump on top of him, and to his surprise and delight, swiftly guiding his cock between your ass cheeks. \n\nYou moan out loud as his cock fills your ass, just sucking on his shaft felt good - this is bliss. \n","img":"img/chapter1/forest_anal.webp","no_save":0},"1_ff_anal_2":{"next":"1_ff_anal_3","txt":"The lumberjack lets out a surprised laugh as you start bouncing up and down, riding him like a carnival ride, letting his cock slide deep inside of you with every bounce and moaning loudly with every breath you take. \n\n{COMMON('-AH! Slow down girl! I think there`s a pine cone under my back! And also - I`m gonna cum!')} \n\nYou ignore his mumbled complaints and speed up even more, closing your eyes as you reach your peak.\n ","no_save":0},"1_ff_anal_3":{"next":"1_ff_end","txt":"You reach your second orgasm moments later, when the lumberjack finishes inside of you. You can feel his cock pulsating and twitching, pumping jets of hot seed into your ass, and just as you thought it was all over - a third sensation rocks your body. \n\nYou gasp for air as your inner well, the reservoir of magical energy, fills up. \n\n{I('-Fuck. That felt good. ')}\n{COMMON('-I`ve still no idea what you`re saying, but fuck, that felt good. ')} \n\n ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"1_ff_cum_1":{"next":"1_ff_cum_2","txt":"The lumberjack groans and moans in response to your attempts to make him cum, and when his cock starts twitching and pulsating between your lips, you know your efforts weren't wasted - you've won. \n\nYou moan with pleasure and satisfaction as he pumps jets of hot seed into your mouth. You swallow hungrily, amazed how good his thick and salty cum feels going down your throat.\n\nThen you gasp out loud when an electric shock runs through your body. For a brief, confused moment, you let his cock slide out of your mouth, resulting in a blob of cum landing on your face. \n ","img":"img/chapter1/forest_bj_cum.webp","no_save":0},"1_ff_cum_2":{"next":"1_ff_end","txt":"You desperately swallow the rest of the cum in your mouth and gasp for air as your inner well, the reservoir of magical energy, fills up. The sensation feels almost like an orgasm and you didn't even touch your pussy...\n\n{I('-Fuck. That felt good. ')}\n{COMMON('-I`ve still no idea what you`re saying, but fuck, that felt good. ')} ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"1_15_water_1":{"txt":"The waterfall turned out to be further away than it seemed, and you feel kind of tired and definitely sweaty by the time you reach its edge. \n\nYou step into the water and sigh with pleasure. The water is cool and crystal clear, too bad it's only ankle deep. You would love nothing more than a cold shower, right under the waterfall. \n\nAs you take another step, moving closer to the edge to look for a way down - your foot slips on the rocks! ","img":"img/chapter1/waterfall_back.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[["save.phy","{PHY} Grab something","1_w_grab"],["save.lck","{LCK} Fall and scream","1_w_fall"]]},"1_w_grab":{"next":"1_w_grab_1","txt":"As you plummet, you desperately reach out, clutching at the air. Your hands scrape against the rugged cliffside, only to slide off the wet and moss-covered stones.\n\nJust before you hit the jagged rocks beneath, you manage to grab some sort of thick, rubbery root, sticking out from the cliff face. It wraps around your wrist and momentarily stops your descent. \n\nYou dangle there for a moment, but when your fingers start to slip - another 'root' wraps around your waist and gently lowers you to the pool of water at the foot of the waterfall.","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_grab.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('phy', -1, undo)"]},"1_w_fall":{"next":"1_w_fall_1","txt":"You flail about and scream as you fall. Luckily, you miss the jagged rocks below by an arm's length and hit the deepest part of the lake with a laud splash. \n\nLess fortunately, the deepest part of the lake turns out to be only waist deep. The water somewhat cushions your impact, but your head still hits the rocky bottom with enough force to crack your skull.\n\nCold and darkness envelops you...\n","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('lck', -1, undo)"]},"{'0_0'}":{"no_save":0},"0_c1":{"next":"0_1","txt":"{H1('Prologue')}\n{H2('Life after Death')}","no_save":0,"cmd":["win.glob['loaded_game'] = 0","save.clear()","save.set_list('bredcrums', ['menu'])"]},"1_forest_run_1":{"next":"1_15_water_1","txt":"You have a head start and with his pants around his ankles and a hard dick, you can't imagine how he could catch up to you anytime soon.\n\nYou keep running until you're out of the forest, and slow down only when you reach the edge of the cliff.\n\nYou can't quite put your finger on it, but something about this place feels wrong, or at least unnatural. It's almost as if the land wasn't sculpted over eons by wind, water and rain but got cracked and shattered by some cataclysmic event. \n\n ","img":"img/chapter1/landscape3.webp","no_save":0},"test_1":{"next":"test_2","txt":"xp +1","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('xp', 1, undo)"]},"test_2":{"next":"test_3","txt":"xp +1 (2)","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('xp', 1, undo)"]},"test_3":{"next":"test_4","txt":"xp +1 (3)","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('xp', 1, undo)"]},"test_4":{"next":"test_5","txt":"mag +1 ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"test_5":{"next":"test_6","txt":"mag +1 (2)","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"test_6":{"next":"test_7","txt":"mag +1 (3)","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"test_7":{"next":"test_8","txt":"mag -1","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', -1, undo)"]},"test_8":{"next":"test_9","txt":"mag +1 ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"test_9":{"txt":"end","no_save":0},"1_w_fall_1":{"next":"1_w_fall_2","txt":"...and then a blue, neon popup appears in front of your eyes:\n\n{SCIFI('Fall Damage: -100 HP.\nCurrent HP: {save.hp}/10')}\n\nYou stand back up, finding yourself still alive in the waist deep water, and feeling a bit panicked, begin to check your body.\n\n{I('Arms - all good, legs -unbroken, head - check, boobs - still big, bouncy and firm.')}\n\nTo your immense surprise, you've survived the fall unharmed... save for the emotional damage. ","img":"img/chapter1/fall.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('hp', -100, undo)"]},"1_w_fall_2":{"next":"1_w_fall_3","txt":"You look up the waterfall,trying not to think to hard on how you survived the fall. The cliff is at least ten times your height and climbing back up may be a bit tricky, but that's something to worry about later.\n\nMaking good use of the fact that you're already wet, you submerge yourself in the clear, cool water to wash away the sweat and {'dride cum' if has_flag('1_lumberjack_sex') else 'grime'} from your skin.\n \nFunnily enough, for the first time since arriving in this strange, new world, you crave for one of civilization's modern comforts... ","img":"img/chapter1/bath.webp","no_save":0},"1_w_grab_1":{"next":"1_w_grab_2","txt":"The realization hits you only when you're back on solid ground - you didn't grasp a root, but rather a tentacle, which expertly prevented you from smashing against the rocks.\n\n{I('-Well... thanks for that, Mister Tentacle... um, please don`t eat me.')}\n\nYou feel a bit of tension as more tentacles gather around you, one particularly long one lifts itself above the rest and gently pats you on your head.\n\n{I('-Huh? You`re a friendly one, aren`t you?')}","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_pat.webp","no_save":0},"1_w_grab_2":{"next":"1_w_grab_3","txt":"The tentacle stops patting your head and bobs up and down in front of your face.\n\n{I('-So, you don`t want to eat me?')}\n\nThe tentacle sways from side to side, as if answering your question, and you blink twice in disbelief. \n\n{I('No fucking way! You can understand me?')}\n\nThe tentacle bobs up and down again.\n\n{I('-Guess I owe you one for rescuing me, but I don`t have anything to give you - not that I`d know what kind of gift would a tentacle monster want...')}\n","no_save":0},"1_w_grab_3":{"txt":"The tentacle wiggles in front of you for a moment before lowering itself to be level with your crotch and gently bumping against your abdomen, making it obviously clear what It, or rather He, wants from you. \n\n","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Spred your legs","1_w_fuck"],["True","Push it away","1_w_rape"]]},"1_w_fuck":{"next":"1_w_fuck_1","txt":"You blush a bit, bite down on your lip and look around, making sure there's no one around to witness what you're about to do.\n\n{I('-Okay, but you`ll give me a ride back to the top of the waterfall, deal?')} \n\nThe tentacle bobs up and down with visible enthusiasm, and you slowly spread your legs, exposing your pussy to the monster. \n\nThe tip of the tentacle morphs into something even more phallic, changing color to almost match your skin tone and forming a bulbous knob at the end. \n\nYour eyes go wide as it plunges deep into your slit with one fluid motion.","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_fuck.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["add_flag('1_tentacle_sex', undo)","music('curious')"]},"1_w_rape":{"next":"1_w_fuck_1","txt":"You slap the tentacle aside, cross your legs and put a hand protectively in front of your pussy. \n\n{I('-Oh no, no, no! I`ve see enough hentai to know where this is going!')}\n\nThe tentacle hue shifts to an angry red and some of the smaller appendages shoot out to wrap around your wrists and thighs, forcefully spreading your legs apart and immobilizing your hands behind your back. \n\nThe tip of the biggest tentacle morphs, forming a bulbous knob at the end, just before plunging it into your pussy.","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_rape.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["add_flag('1_tentacle_rape', undo)","music('lurid')"]},"0_b":{"next":"0_c1","txt":"...close enough.","no_save":1},"1_w_fall_3":{"next":"1_w_fall_4","txt":"...but none of trivial, useless things like clothes, shoes, hot water, satellite navigation nor generative adversarial neural networks - what you'd really want right now is a bar of soap a bottle of shampoo, and maybe a slick vi...\n\nYou stop your musings when something big brushes against your leg. You stay motionless for a moment, not sure if it was a harmless fish or something menacing. \n\nYour senses pick up the sound of water splashing, but it doesn't match the sound of the nearby waterfall. You tilt your head slowly to you see a thick, rubbery, reddish-purple tentacle sticking out of the water right behind you.\n\nYou try to remain calm as more tentacles emerge from the pool, surrounding you on all sides and cutting off all venues of escape.","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle.webp","no_save":0},"1_w_fall_4":{"next":"1_w_fall_5","txt":"You let out a shriek of terror as the tentacles wrap around your body and lift you up above the surface of the lake.\n\nTo your surprise you're not torn limb from limb but gently moved to shallower water away from the waterfall where the tentacle encircle you. Some of them just bobbing up and down as if examining you with unseen eyes, others softly rubbing against your skin and one carefully pats you on the head. \n","no_save":0},"1_w_fall_5":{"next":"1_w_fall_6","txt":"{I('-Huh? You`re a friendly one, aren`t you?')}\n\nThe tentacle stops patting your head and bobs up and down in front of your face.\n\n{I('-So, you don`t want to eat me?')}\n\nThe tentacle sways from side to side, as if answering your question, and you blink twice in disbelief. \n\n{I('No fucking way! You can understand me?')}\n\nThe tentacle bobs up and down again.","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_pat.webp","no_save":0},"1_w_fall_6":{"next":"1_w_grab_3","txt":"{I('-I don`t suppose you could give me a lift back up, huh?')}\nThe tentacle wiggles a bit, but it's neither a definitive 'yes' or 'no' like before. Somehow it manages to look smug, as if saying 'I could, but it will cost you'.\n\n{I('-Okay, okay, I know that look, buddy, but I don`t have anything to give you - not that I`d know what kind of gift would a tentacle monster want...')}","no_save":0},"1_w_fuck_1":{"next":"1_w_fuck_2","txt":"You let out a gasp and moan loudly as the main tentacle starts fucking your pussy, not only sliding in and out, but also wriggling, wiggling and pumping hot, sticky liquid inside of you.\n\nThat sensation alone would be enough for you to reach your orgasm, but other, smaller appendages wrap around your chest, arms and legs unerringly seeing out all of your most sensible spots to stimulate and tease them expertly. \n\n\n\n ","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_fuck2.webp","no_save":0},"1_w_fuck_2":{"next":"1_w_fuck_3","txt":"Your orgasm hits like a tidal wave, making you scream and rive, but the tentacle monster isn't done with you yet. It keeps moving, pulsating and even vibrating like one of those sex toys, you vaguely remember from your past life. \n\nYour pussy is overflowing with the hot liquid that the creature keeps pumping inside of you, and driven by some instinct, you reach down and scoop a glob of it with your fingers. \n\n\n ","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_fuck3.webp","no_save":0},"1_w_fuck_3":{"next":"1_w_fuck_4","txt":"You put your cum covered fingers into your mouth and ass soon as the white, sticky substance touches your tongue, you feel an electric jolt running down your body.\n\nYour second orgasm - if you can even call it that - is different. While the first one was purely physical, the latter is something else, something magical. Your inner well of arcane energy fills up and the sensation feels wonderful. \n\nFor a moment, you wonder if gaining magic is better than sex, but as the tentacles spasm one more time inside of you, and you reach your third peek - you decide that magic is fun, but sex is still better. \n ","img":"img/chapter1/cum_in_mouth.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('mag', 1, undo)"]},"1_w_fuck_4":{"next":"1_w_fuck_5","txt":"You're left panting in the shallow water, when the tentacles are finally done with you and slither out of your pussy. \n\nHumming softly, you reach down to your slit, gathering blobs of the monster's cum with your hands, only to lick it off your fingers.\n\nYou can't figure out why it tastes like both pineapple and pepperoni pizza. Surly pineapple doesn't belong on pizza... or does it? \n\nYou also can't figure out why only the first drop of it boosted your magical energy. ","no_save":0},"1_w_fuck_5":{"next":"1_w_fuck_6","txt":"The tentacle waits for you to finish, before wrapping around your wrist and ankle and lifting you up into the air. \n\nYou let out a gasp, going higher and higher, but not because you're afraid of falling - as it lifts you up, the tentacle stretches all the way from the lake to the top of the waterfall and that's at least ten times your height. \n\n{I('-Wow, you`re a Big Boy.')}\n\nIt deposits you at the top of the waterfall, a few steps away from the edge, as if making sure you don't fall back down again, and with a pat on your head and a playfull smack on your ass it vanishes back into the waters below. \n\n ","img":"img/chapter1/tentacle_lift.webp","no_save":0},"1_w_fuck_6":{"txt":"{I('-Well, that was kind of fun. I think. I wonder if women in this world keep tiny tentacle monsters as pets and sex toys? Or maybe it`s the other way around? Maybe tentacle monsters keep girls as toys and pets? I`ll have to ask about that if I ever find someone who I can speak with.')} \n\nYou look around trying to remember where you wanted to go next.","no_save":0,"choice":[["True","Go to the road","1_orcs"],["not has_flag('1_forest')","Go to the forest","1_15_forest"]]},"1_orcs_1":{"next":"1_orcs_2","txt":"You barely have time to wiggle your toes, happy that you've finally found the road you've been looking for, when a group of maybe a doze people emerge from behind the bend in the road. \n\nThough people may not be the right word, 'orcs' might be a better word, since the group is led by two angry looking, green-skinned, brutish hulks. \n\n{I('-Um.. hi?')}- you smile and wave, hoping that, they are friendly, despite their obviously hostile look.\n\n{ORC('-Argh! You stupid Ork! You let one escape!')} - Bellows one of them, but surprisingly not at you but at the other orc. ","img":"img/chapter1/orcs.webp","no_save":0},"1_orcs_2":{"next":"1_orcs_3","txt":"The other orc yells back, and while you can't understand their word, you can clearly see they are quite angry at each other - or maybe just at the world in general. \n\n{ORC('-No, you is the stupid ork! See milkers? She is cocksleeve! Not one of ours.')}\n{ORC('-No, YOU is who is stupid ork! She is free cocksleve, go bonk`er before she escape!')}\n\nOne of them raises his club and starts running at you with murder in his eyes, you turn to run, but you only manage to take a few steps before he catches up with you and grabs you by your wrist. His grip is like a band of iron around your arm. ","no_save":0},"1_orcs_3":{"next":"1_orcs_4","txt":"You cry in horror as he swings his club and hits you square on the head with the force of a... toddler welding a soft foam pool noodle. If it wasn't for the blue-neon pop-up you might not even notice that his weapon connected with your head.\n\n{SCIFI('Blunt force damage: -5 HP.\nCurrent HP: {save.hp}/10')}\n\nWith a grunt of effort, the orc hits you again, you can see his muscled bulging, the club is a blur as it moves and there's an audible crack when it connects with the side of your head. ","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('hp', -5, undo)"]},"1_orcs_4":{"next":"1_orcs_5","txt":"{SCIFI('Blunt force damage: -10 HP.\nCurrent HP: {save.hp}/10')}\n\nYou feel no pain from the impact, but as the orcs winds up for another swing, you yell at him angrily.\n\n{I('-Will you FUCKING stop that! I`m getting seasick from all these popups!')}\n\nAt this point, the other orc catches up with the both of you and joins in, yelling at the first orc, though probably for different reasons. \n\n{ORC('-Why you no bonk her?! You is so stupid ork that can`t use bonker??')}","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('hp', -10, undo)"]},"1_orcs_5":{"next":"1_orcs_6","txt":"{ORC('-Bonker broken.')} - replies the first orc, and it's the first time you hear anything from his lips that's not a scream.\n\n{ORC('-You is broken, not bonker. Me is ork, who show you how you bonk!')} - the other orc bellows, pulls out his sword and smacks you with the pommel over the head... making you roll your eyes in annoyance as yet another pop-up appear.\n\n{SCIFI('Blunt force damage: -10 HP.\nCurrent HP: {save.hp}/10')}\n\n{I('-For fuck`s sake...')}","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('hp', -10, undo)"]},"1_orcs_6":{"next":"1_orcs_7","txt":"Both of the orcs fall silent for a moment, looking in confusion from you to the weapons in their hands. \n\n{ORC('-See? Now who is stupid ork? You have broken stabber now.')} \n{ORC('-Maybe bonker broken, maybe stabber broken, but maybe she voodoo? How ork tell?')}\n{ORC('-Test bonker on something...')}\n{ORC('-Yes, test stabber on something...')}\n\nBoth of the orc pivot their heads to glare at each other. You recognize the triumphant expression on their faces, even if you've only seen that look before on a cartoon coyote, in the brief moment between lighting a match and realizing he's inside a shed full of dynamite. ","no_save":0},"1_orcs_7":{"next":"1_orcs_8","txt":"The orcs move with an explosive burst of speed, but for once their violence is not directed at you. \n\nTheir weapons hit at the same moment, the sword decapitating the club wielder, while his club smashes the other orcs skull in. The bodies hit the ground with a meaty thump, and you doubt that even your overpowered healing would be of any use here - not that you have any intentions of healing them.\n\n{I('-Ha! Serves you right! ')}\n\nYou dust off your hands, feeling an almost supernatural pang of satisfaction, even though you haven't actually done anything. At least not on purpose. ","img":"img/chapter1/orcs_fight.webp","no_save":0,"cmd":["change_stats('xp', 1, undo)","music('soliloquy')"]},"1_orcs_8":{"next":"{'2_0'}","txt":"Your satisfied grin turns into a sour frown when you lay your eyes on the orcs companions, still standing at the middle of the road, looking at you with eyes wide open. \n\n{I('-Ah, shit... ')}","img":"img/chapter1/slaves.webp","no_save":0},"{'2_0'}":{},"2_0":{"txt":"{H2('To be continued...')}","img":"img/chapter1/tbc.webp","no_save":0},"tutorial_18":{"next":"{'menu'}","txt":"{H2('End of Tutorial')} \nCongratulations! You made it all the way to the end of the tutorial - as a reward, have one more image - I know You wanted to see it since that lesson about buttons. \n\nEnjoy.\n\n","img":"img/tutorial/tutorial_4.webp","no_save":1},"2_3":{"next":"2_4","txt":"{SCIFI('New name/title accepted.\nCharacter name is now:\nNUDE')} \n\n{I('-...fucking great!')}\n{I('- Yes, Fucking Great')} - a thin smile appears on the mans face - {I('Me No Mind Sex Slave, More Good Than Orc Slave.')} \n{I('- Whoa! Whoa! Hold on there! Just because I`m nude, doesn`t mean I`m going to be someone`s sex slave!')} \n{I('- No')} - the man points to himself - {I('Me Slave, Nude Master')}\n{I('-Oh...')}\n","img":"img/chapter2/character_screen_3.webp","no_save":0},"2_4":{"next":"2_5","txt":"You look again at the group of man, this time paying a little bit more attention. You have no idea how you could have mistaken them for orcs companions.\n\nIf their ragged and torn clothes weren't enough of a give away, their bruised and beaten face should have been enough for you to tell that they are prisoners.\n\nYou can see more then a few of them swaying on their feet from exhaustion, cradling broken arms or avoiding putting weight on broken legs or twisted ankles.\n\nYou swallow hard, trying not to think hard why so many of them are missing fingers, and why so many of them have not-quite-human bite marks on their hands.","img":"img/chapter1/slaves.webp","no_save":0},"2_5":{"next":"2_6","txt":"You sigh as you make your decision. They aren't your responsibility and you owe them nothing. You could just walk away and leave them to fend for themselves, but you're just not that kind of a person.\n \n{I('-Heh, okay everyone. I`m going to heal you, after that, well, we`ll figure something out... so, everyone touch me, I need you to touch me in order for the spell to work.')}\n\nThe men stare at you dumbfounded, clearly not understanding anything.\n\n-Oh for crying out lound! Just fucking touch me! - you step closer to the man that spoke before, grab his hand and put it on your chest - C'mon, tell them to touch me. ","no_save":0},"2_6":{"next":"2_7","txt":"The man looks to his hand on your breast and gives it a little experimental squeeze before speaking again:\n{I('-Tell All To Touch?')} - He turns to the others and speaks in a language you can't recognize nor understand.\n\n{COMMON('-She wants us to grope her, for some sort of sex magic, I think.')} \n{COMMON('-She`s gonna turn us into mindless sex slaves! You`ve seen what she did with the orcs!')}\n{COMMON('-Well, if I`m gonna die a slave, I`d rather die a sex slave...')}\n{COMMON('-Yeah!')}\n{COMMON('-He`s right y`know!')} ","no_save":0},"2_7":{"txt":"Some of them seem to argue, but most simply step forward and put their hands on your body with enthusiasm. \n\nEventually all of them join in, and you find yourself gropped from all sides by ten different men and a slight smile forms on your lips as you try to concentrate...","img":"img/chapter2/grope.webp","no_save":0,"choice":[]}} ;